Best top Tips to How to be a Successful Blogger - Tech Office - Latest Hacking News,IT Security News and Cyber Security

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Best top Tips to How to be a Successful Blogger

Best top Tips to be a Successful Blogger #Techoffice

Blogging is a very popular and successful way to share information and getting involved into the internet economy. Many people around the world make their living just from their blogs and for this reason many new people get into blogging every day, thinking of it as a shortcut way to earn money. But the problem is if you want to earn money from your blog, you have to be a successful blogger. You have to make sure people like your content and also share it with others. But in reality, after creating a blog, most people just realize that it is not that much easy to earn money from their blogs.Today in this post I’m going to share few tips which I provide my clients  to get success in their blog business, so that you can also be a successful blogger.

1. Proper Niche

A proper niche is something that can make any online blog successful and help to get some good return. Most of the cases, people create blog which they think is trending in the internet, but this is a savior misconception. Just because most blogs out there talk about new phones, gadget and other tech stuffs doesn’t mean that you have to do that same. Choose your niche depending on what you love and in what you have most experience and knowledge. As an example, if you are a sports fan and always gather new sports news, I will always suggest you to create a blog related to sports and to be more specific, the exact sport you like (e.g. football or cricket related). If you are a foodie, then create a food blog and write good content about your experience, suggestions related to foods, restaurants etc.
Always remember that in the internet always some people is searching for something you know or your like. Not everyone is a tech junkie or a webmaster, so create your blog on the topic you have good knowledge and good experience.

2. Unique Content

Every time I speak about internet success, I speak about unique content. I have seen many bloggers to start their blog with great contents and overtime they stop producing good unique contents and start copying stuffs from other blogs or website. Don’t be evil. Google releasing new algorithm updates every month and with every update it is getting better and smarter. So, if you create content which is not unique, you will eventually find it out and your blog ranking will get highly effected from this.

If you can’t produce new and unique content every single day, then don’t do it. Post one article each week, but make sure it is awesome and people love it. Otherwise you are deep into the sea of internet economy.

3. Good User Experience First

Most blogger generally create their sites with a pre goal of earning lot of money from their website, so they design it in such a funky way that it includes a lot of ad, referral links within their site and articles. Don’t do that. Always remember, the major priority of your blog is to produce good quality content and it must needs to be showcased such a way that when people actually land on it, they can properly concentrate on your article without being distracted by other things like social icons, annoying ads, banner etc.

I personally don’t like widget as it distract people attention from the primary objective (i.e. the article), so I don’t suggest my clients to use that. But if you are using a sidebar widget, make sure you put as minimum things as possible. Mostly keep recent posts, popular posts and categories. Also don’t jump into showing advertisement on your blog from the very beginning of it. First make your blog popular for the readers and also for the search engines and when you have good popularity & good amount of visitors, opt for Google Adsense as your ad partner. Don’t use any other ad solutions in your site as rest of them shows annoying animated, popup ads making your readers annoyed by it. So as a result either they will leave your site and never come back again or they will install adblock for your site, either way it is not going to help you. So stick with Google Adsense.

4. Proper On-page SEO

This is a very important thing for all blogs and bloggers. If you don’t have good idea about on-page seo, then search engines may not be able to index your site properly. Onpage seo is nothing critical and very easy to do after few tries. If you are using WordPress for your blog (which I highly suggest), there is a plugin called Yoast SEO, which is more than enough for your on-page seo needs. What you have to do is just make sure you have a proper title, description and focused keyword for your blog post. That’s all! Rest will be handled by Yoast SEO plugin itself.
But, if still have no idea what I’m talking about or don’t know how to do this small steps, I will highly suggest you to watch some tutorials about yoast seo plugin on YouTube and still if you don’t understand, I think you should higher some professional to make the on-page seo tweaks for you.

5. Create an User Community

Few Extra Tips

Here are few extra tips which might help you to create a good article and a good blog.

1.Try to write a little long articles. Generally I suggest to write article with minimum (500 – 750) words.
Search engines loves long articles along with the readers. Because in long article people generally expect to see everything explained elaborately, which is not the case for small articles.

2. Use reference image and videos to entertain the readers within your article. Just text sometimes makes people bored.

3.Provide a link to the sites where you took any reference or quotations. In short give credit to people who helped you.

4. Don’t put a lot of hyper links within a post. At most I will suggest you to use at most 10 hyper links within a single article.

submit your blog into Google and Bing webmaster tools. Trust me it helps a lot to get properly indexed on search engines.

6.Don’t change your website url frequently. Use one single url with consistency.

7.Make sure you have a robot.txt file for your site and it does not block popular search engines to crawl your site.


Always remember that there is no shortcut in success, you cannot create an extremely popular blogs within weeks.
You have to believe in it and keep working for it and one day you will see yourself at the top of the pyramid. So,
just make sure you have a good looking blog with a readable font size and less distracting object allows the readers
to concentrate on your article. Produce awesome quality unique content which are nowhere available expect your
blog and always chose your nice carefully, so that you love write new things about it and the reads can also you’re your experience & excitement in it.



Osman Gani is the Chief Seo Expert and the Founder of ‘Tech Office’. He has a very deep interest in all current affairs topics whatsoever. Well, he is the power of our team and he lives in India. who loves to be a self-dependent person. As an author, I am trying my best to improve this platform day by day. His passion, dedication and quick decision-making ability make him stand apart from others.

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